Hello, fellow game enthusiasts!

I am excited to share with you the newest updates to my educational project game. It's been an incredible journey of reimagining, redesigning, and adding fresh elements to make this experience more engaging than ever.

Firstly, I've introduced a new set of formidable boss enemies that will test your mettle. These bosses are designed to challenge you in new ways and keep you on your toes throughout your gameplay. Get ready for some intense boss fights that will demand the best of your skills!

To enhance your journey in the game, I've also added an interactive menu. It's sleek, user-friendly, and will help you navigate through the game options with ease.

In the spirit of keeping things fresh and exciting, I've changed the game's music. Now you can enjoy a more immersive audio experience that complements the game's revamped aesthetics and gameplay.

But that's not all! I've taken a significant step and completely redesigned the game system, transforming it into a survival shooter. Your objective now is to survive as long as possible against the relentless onslaught of enemies. This change will, no doubt, bring a new level of thrill and excitement to your gameplay.

Finally, one of the most significant changes is the introduction of a wave system for enemy appearances. Enemies now spawn in waves, with each wave becoming progressively tougher. And the challenge doesn't end there - as soon as you destroy a wave, the next one appears, keeping the intensity and pace at a constant high.

I'm incredibly proud of these changes and additions, and I can't wait for you to experience them. I believe they will bring a new dimension to your gameplay, making it even more engaging, challenging, and enjoyable.

As always, I'm open to your feedback and suggestions. Enjoy the game, and may your survival instincts serve you well!

Best, Alex


Windows.rar 35 MB

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